Moving from Microservices to Monolith: The Unexpected Shift

Moving from Microservices to Monolith: The Unexpected Shift
Photo by NEOM / Unsplash

Microservices are in vogue, and it’s no secret that they have been driving the modern software development world. Their flexibility, scalability, and the ability to allow different technologies across services have made them the go-to architecture for many businesses. But are they always the right solution? To answer this, we'll look at a surprising case where Amazon Prime Video decided to transition from microservices to monolith for their audio-video monitoring service.

Case Study: Amazon Prime Video's Bold Transition

prime video

Amazon Prime Video, a behemoth in the online streaming industry, faced a challenge. Their Audio-Video Monitoring Service (AVMS), initially built using a microservice architecture, was experiencing increased complexity and escalating costs. The team had to rethink their strategy and, to the surprise of many, decided to move to a monolithic architecture.

A link to their blog post here goes in-depth about the process, the decision-making, and the results. The shift resulted in reducing costs by 90% and increasing the system's efficiency.

So, why did they do it?

Rationale behind the Shift

Amazon's AVMS was initially developed as a microservices architecture for scalability and robustness, with each microservice performing a unique function in the video delivery process. However, with the rapid growth of Prime Video, the microservice architecture started to show its limitations. Increasing inter-service communication led to higher latencies, complex service coordination, and increased infrastructure costs.

The team realized that despite the flexibility of microservices, the complexity of managing multiple individual services was causing inefficiencies and driving costs higher. Therefore, they made the counter-intuitive decision to consolidate the multiple microservices into a single monolithic application, optimizing performance and dramatically reducing costs.

When Should You Consider Moving from Microservices to Monolith?

It's important to note that moving from microservices to a monolith isn't always the answer. Here are a few scenarios where this transition could be beneficial:

  1. High Inter-Service Communication: As in the case of Amazon Prime Video, if your system has high inter-service communication, leading to higher latencies and complexity, it might be worth considering a monolithic architecture.
  2. Complex Service Coordination: When the coordination between different services becomes complex, it leads to an increase in the overall system complexity, making the system harder to manage and maintain.
  3. Increased Infrastructure Costs: Each microservice might need its own database or server, leading to increased infrastructure costs.
  4. Same Tech Stack Across Services: If all your services are using the same technology stack, the flexibility provided by microservices might not be necessary, making monolith a simpler and more cost-effective option.
  5. Easier Debugging and Testing: Debugging a monolithic application is simpler than debugging a microservices-based application because there are no inter-process communications to monitor. This reduces the complexity of testing and debugging processes.
  6. Shared Memory Access: In a monolithic application, different components can directly share memory spaces. This can simplify certain types of operations and increase performance in some scenarios.
  7. Consistent Data Models: Monolithic applications usually work with a single, consistent data model. This simplifies data management compared to microservices, where you might end up with different services having different views of data models.
  8. Transactional Integrity: Managing transactions is easier in a monolithic application as there's no need to coordinate transactions across multiple services. This guarantees transactional consistency and integrity.
  9. Easier Deployment: Deploying a monolithic application is a simpler process compared to deploying multiple microservices, as it's a single unit. This simplifies the processes of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).
  10. Lower Operational Overhead: With a monolithic application, you have less to worry about in terms of inter-service communication, data consistency between different services, and maintaining multiple service contracts. This can lower the operational overhead and the total cost of ownership.

Closing Thoughts

The move from microservices to a monolithic architecture made by Amazon Prime Video challenges the prevailing wisdom about software architecture. It reminds us that there's no 'one size fits all' solution in software development. The right architecture depends on various factors, including the business use case, scalability requirements, team expertise, and more.

In the end, it's about choosing the architecture that best fits your needs. Whether it's a microservice, monolithic, or a hybrid approach, understanding the benefits and trade-offs of each can help you make informed decisions that lead to more efficient, scalable, and cost-effective solutions.

In this dynamic and evolving landscape of software development, perhaps it's time to revisit the often overlooked and unfairly stigmatized monolithic architecture. It may not be the glamorous choice, but as Amazon Prime Video has shown, it can be a practical and highly efficient solution in the right circumstances.

Remember, the pendulum of software development keeps swinging, and the current focus on microservices should not cloud the fact that there are alternatives. Sometimes, a seemingly retrograde step can lead to significant advantages. The key is to stay open to all possibilities, evaluate your unique context, and choose an architectural strategy that best serves your business goals.

So, the next time you're planning your software architecture, don't shy away from considering a monolith. As counterintuitive as it may seem, the old adage "less is more" might just be the guiding principle you need. Whether it’s the simplicity of design, ease of coordination, or the cost efficiency, the humble monolith could offer precisely what you're looking for. After all, if it can work for a streaming giant like Amazon Prime Video, it might just work for you too.

In the end, the architectural decision of monolith vs. microservices isn't a question of good or bad, but a question of 'fit.' Your architecture should fit your business needs, your team's capabilities, and your scaling requirements. Only then can you ensure a harmonious balance between technological robustness and business agility, leading to a more resilient, flexible, and cost-effective tech infrastructure.
